Category: /bin/more

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Behind basic auth

Basic authentication is one of the simples methods of providing credentials to access resources. Today I’m going to take a look on it and provide you with an example of a web page utilizing this mechanism written with PHP and Apache. How does basic authentication work? On request to a protected resource, the server sends […]

Make use of htop


Or how to look cooler with htop Htop is a popular command-line tools for monitoring processes. It has some features that seem to be rarely used but could help you with process management or at least make your terminal look cooler. Help If you’ve ever wondered what do those weird colors on CPU and memory […]

Issues with JWT

I hoped this would never happen, but here we go. I have problems with managing to deliver an article for Wednesday not because I have so little time, but because I have no idea for an article. I’ve fooled around a little bit with network recon labs on Pentester Academy, I’ve fooled around python imports, […]

Second Factor Authentication – Short Comparison

Since I’ve reviewed password storing possibilities in my recent blog posts (part 1 and 2), it’s time to ask question: can we do better? What Risks Are Left? First of all the user might be using a weak, guessable password. Something like their name, strings like “123456”. Sometimes this might be backed up by meaningless […]

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