Privacy Policy


The administrator of your data is Black Sheep Wiktor Gonczaronek, registered in Poland (NIP: 6711778174, REGON: 366882309. Contact email is:

What data do we collect?

  • For administrative tasks (providing security): IP address, browser type,
  • For collecting statistics: anonymized IP address, browser type,
  • For contacting you: your email address,
  • For maintaining comment system – cookies handled by Disqus (their privacy policy can be found here),
  • Cookies for providing advertisement systems (this data is served by 3rd party – Google AdSense, whose privacy policy can be found here),

How long do we process your data?

Data is deleted immediately when it is no longer required. In case of 3rd party data, you need to contact their privacy policies.

Your rights

  1. The right to be informed – you have a right to know what and how your data is used.
  2. The right of access – you will have the right to know exactly what information is held about you and how it is processed.
  3. The right of rectification – you will be entitled to have personal data rectified if it is inaccurate or incomplete.
  4. The right to erasure – also known as ‘the right to be forgotten’, this refers to your right to having your personal data deleted or removed without the need for a specific reason as to why you wish to discontinue.
  5. The right to restrict processing – your right to block or suppress processing of their personal data.
  6. The right to data portability.
  7. The right to object – you have a right to object to the way your information is used.
  8. Rights of automated decision making and profiling – this is not made here.