Python slots

Python can be a tricky language due to the fact that it’s dynamic. Not everyone likes this and it’s true that while it solve one group of problems, it also creates another (there are no solutions in real life, just trade-offs). I’m going to show you what can be a problem and how to solve […]

What is the Liskov Substitution Principle?

Grasping the true idea behind the “Liskov Substitution Principle” seems a bit hard. The explanation that some interfaces and classes should be interchangeable never was enough for me to answer the questions “why should I care” and, consequently, “how should I implement it”. Here’s a writeup I gave for my colleagues, which they found useful, […]

Metasploitable Walkthrough – Part 3 – Java RMI and Post Exploitation Digging.

Another one of the Metasploitable series. This time I’ll try to exploit vulnerable RMI server. However, as I’ve taken a look at the exploit code, I’ve decided that I’m a bit lazy and I want to play around with Metasploit and since I had a few tricks to overcome I feel it might be worth […]

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